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Interoperability question (s)...

What is the difference, if any, between the terms interoperability and compatibility?  I am asking because in a number of the papers that I have read about WWW security, interoperability has been identified as an unresolved issue.  I have taken this to mean that there is a problem communicating between different security protocols, schemes, etc.  e.g. SSL secured transactions present a problem when received by SHTTP secured servers.  One of my professors seems to believe that this is not a problem because CGIs or APIs can be used to overcome any potential problems that may arise from the previously decscribed scenario.

If the scenario that I have presented is way off base, please present one to help me better understand what is meant by interoperability.  Is interoperability still an unresolved issue?  Is my prof. correct in believing that the issue can be resolved through the use of CGI scripts or APIs?  Also, if the scenario that 
I have presented is "off base", please explain how an SSL secured transaction is handled by a SHTTP secured server since SHTTP encryption is based on the message an SSL encryption is independent of the message.

I'm new to the discussion group so if this is an old discussion, forgive me and please help!

